About Us

Shirley R. Page

 Employees who fall victim to “Workplace” discrimination and harassment, react differently, some confront the issue by discussing it with their manager, while others take it to another level. Resulting in collateral damage.

Mission: My determination is to bring into visible external awareness the internal silent unseen suffering, caused as the direct result of repugnant, deplorable, unlawful and hostile racial discrimination, in the “Workplace.”

My hope is that those who have ears will hear what Racism is doing to all people. Racism has personally given me the opportunity to see firsthand both the killing of the spirit that it perpetuates in most instances and in some instances as we will see in this doc physical death.

The documentary, 3 Murders & A Suicide will help every viewer see clearly even the more that Racism is wrong, and when any organized force designed for the carrying on of public or private business chooses to align itself with Racism and helps to embody the same, there will always be someone at some point and whatever time, that will put forth an effort to change the structure of the establishment such that it will not be able to support, sustain, and help to institutionalize it.

For such a time as this the narrative contributes to exposing acts of overt racial aggressions and discrimination. The purpose and intent is for the betterment of all people, transcending social and economic status. Fast-forwarding helping to educate all people in regards to the differences, complexities and difficulties found in the diversities of skin colors, which plague the human race. Doing so with a consciousness of this fact, there is but one (Race), that being the Human Race.